Tag Archives: Parade (magazine)


Four Listings In AMERICA by the Numbers

If a U.S. Dept. of Transportation report says Portland has the best bike culture in America, who’s to argue?  Not the Oregonian’s Jeff Mapes.

It’s fitting notice for the “natural metropolis of the northern Pacific Coast.

Bicycle culture explains Oregon ranking third in states graded for physical activity.  Minnesota is first, Colorado second, which means you move around more to stay warm than you do to dry off?

Dropping Portland into fifth place among Most Tattooed Cities means more art.  Support your city and ink a sleeve of regional beauty, just fight the urge for the neck spider tat. 

Parade Magazine’s final Oregon listing is a surprise for a Sunday morning.  Most strip clubs?  West Virginia leads all states, while Springfield, Oregon is revealed as the leading city.    

Now the rest of the country knows Oregon leads most states in bike awareness, physical activity, tattoos, and dancers.  While quite an honor, let’s hope the data was collected on more than one visit.